5/24/2014 - CONFIRMED - IDPA MATCH |
8:30am set up, 9:15am shooter registration, 9:20 MANDATORY safety briefing. RSVP to IDPA@HCFG.ORG or for more info.
******HCFG is a cold range the day of the match. We welcome all of our club members as well as current IDPA members to any of our IDPA events. If you are new to IDPA you are welcome to shoot one time as a guest; just tell us you are a new shooter and we will point out a few experienced shooters to answer the questions you will have throughout the event. We do ask that you review the safety rules and equipment needed at HTTP://IDPA.COM. The safety briefing is MANDATORY for all shooters; miss the briefing miss the match! We have a special $5 match fee for all law enforcement officers. If you have any questions just ask. **** |
Added on 2/27/2014 |